求高手 把汉语翻译成英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:21:19
攀钢高钛重矿渣是冶炼钒钛磁铁矿时产生的高炉熔渣在空气中自然冷却或热泼形成的一种致密矿渣,高钛渣混凝土是用攀钢高钛重矿渣作粗、细骨料或磨细掺合料一并使用所配制的混凝土,与普通高炉矿渣相比,其化学成分与矿物组成不同,其二氧化钛 (T02)含量高达20%--24%,氧化钙含量较高炉重矿渣低。

Panzhihua Iron and Steel is a high-titanium slag re-vanadium-titanium magnetite smelter blast furnace slag generated naturally in the air to cool or hot slag poured to form a dense, high-titanium slag concrete is heavy with the Panzhihua Iron and Steel high titanium slag as coarse and fine Aggregate used in conjunction or admixture of pulverized concrete preparation, as compared with ordinary blast furnace slag, its chemical composition and mineral composition is different from the other titanium (T02) content of up to 20% - 24% higher levels of calcium oxide furnace Heavy slag low.

The blast furnace dross coming into being cools down naturally in air or heat splashes one kind of compact mineral waste residue taking form when climbing heavy high steel titanium mineral waste residue is to smelt the vanadium titanium magnetite, the high titanium residue concrete is that heavy mineral waste residue does thick , thin aggregate or levigation blending expects using the what be compo