
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 15:43:52
你们为什么要活?你们为什么受苦?这一切只不过是个可怕的大笑话吗?我们来自何处?我们的路把我们引向何方?我怎么会理解仁慈的上帝创造出的万物的残酷和恶意?生命的意义最终会由死亡来揭示吗? 我要这句的翻译

Why do you live? Why do you suffer? All this is just a terrible big depression? Where we come from? Our road leads us to where? I will understand how merciful God created all things out of the cruel and malicious? The meaning of life will eventually be revealed by the death to do?