
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 14:32:32
第一,professor说降解只发生在特定条件下,而且很难meet所有的条件:要暖,至少保持一周,没有heat和moisture的话,要用和traditional plastic一样长的时间才能降解.第二,为了做biopolymers,要先种玉米等原料,而农业恰恰极为耗能而且污染环境(因为农民用农药等化学物质).第三,质量上会inferior,比如要储存CD等东西,要durable,而biopolymers在heat和moisture下会降解,显然不行.

第一, 人类数量的增长导致人类不断expand自己居住的区域,挤压了鸟类的空间。
第二,人类数量增长意味者对农业需求的增长。导致很多forest , wetlands and grassland等鸟类生活区域被开垦为农田。
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With corn-like plant to do the new plastics, biopolymers, easily degradable, energy-saving environmental protection, but also in quality will not fall.
First, professor said that degradation occurs only under certain conditions, but also very difficult to meet all of the conditions: to be warm, or at least keep a week, there is no heat, and moisture, then use the traditional plastic, and as long as the time to degradation. Second, in order to do biopolymers, first kinds of corn and other raw materials, while agriculture is extremely energy-intensive and polluting the environment exactly (because farmers use pesticides and other chemical substances). Third, the quality will be inferior, such as to save the CD and other things, to durable, and biopolymers in the heat and moisture will degrade under the apparently impossible.
Writing is the first question is about the decline in the number of birds. According to the article because of human activity
First, the increase i