
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 21:27:25
1.quick(副词) 2.选出单词中画线部分发音不同的一项(A.Monday B.day C.today D.Birthday)都画day. 3.第一天(翻译成英语)4.He can play basketball.(对画线部分提问,画线的是play basketball) --- --- he---?

1 quickly
2 D
3 The first day
4 What can he play?

1 quickly
3 The first day
4 What can he play?

1 quickly
2 day
3 first day (you do not need an article "the" if u wanna use first day as a beginning of ur essay, otherwise, u need an article.)
4 what kind of sports he can play. (in my opinion, u need to mention the sports since we also use the word play on play instruments)