
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 12:37:25
Convinced of the truth of the report,he told his colleagues about it.
Disappointed at falling in the driving test,John wouldn't like to talk with anyone else.
这两句为什么开头用 convinced 和 disappointed 而不用 to convince 和 to be disappointed 呢??
——Where have you been all the time?
——I came back at noon and I have in this room since.

前两个句子还原后应是being convinced/disapointed,即为被动语态,在这里就省略了;另外to do做状语一般都有表示目的的含义
I came back at noon.
I have (been) in this room since then.

Convinced of the truth of the report,he told his colleagues about it.
Disappointed at falling in the driving test,John wouldn't like to talk with anyone else.
——Where have you been all the time?
——I came back at noon and I have in this room since.
能直接用。since等于ever since意为“从此之后”。

being convinced/disapointed,为被动语态,省略;另外to do做状语一般都有表示目的的含义
第二句其实就是:I came back at noon.I have (been) in this room since then.所以这里合在一起就成了一个简单的句.
