
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/18 11:40:10
看得出他最喜欢的是二儿子屈斯坦 但他努力掩藏这种感情,他想要自己的三个儿子觉得,他对他们的爱是公平的,只是这是件很难做到的事情。尤其是当山缪战死,屈斯坦陷于自责的泥潭,阿弗莱德走上从政的道路之后。愈发苍老的他,已无力刻意维系那一种平衡。而更显露出对屈斯坦的爱怜,甚至有那么点放纵。
His favorite is two sons. But he tried to hide his feelings. He wanted his three sons to think his love is fair for them. However it is difficult to do. Especially when Samuel was killed in the war, Tristan blamed himself, Alfred being a politician, He was too old to maintain that balance.It is more show on the tender affection, even down a bit.

His favorite is the second son he bowed to hide the Stamford but feelings, he wants his three sons, his love for them is fair, but it is difficult to do. Especially when Miao mountain, Stan was killed in the mire of the era, the road to embark, Fred. He has more old to maintain a balance that deliberately. But more show on the tender affection, even down a bit.