
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 04:28:04

[摘要]: 本文通过城乡差异,经济背景差异,文化教育背景差异之别和文化传统的差异,经济形态的差异,社会条件的差异,来说明中美两国在文化教育上确实存在着明显的差异。例如,同一个年龄层的孩子,中国和美国的孩子的思维方式,为人处世,所受的文化层次等等。中美家庭文化教育在某种地方也是有共同之处的。例如,同样的重视家教,同样的重视小孩子的教育等等。只是在真正的教育方法和教育想法上还是不同的。本文从各个不同的方面去说明中美家庭文化教育的相同和不同之处,以便取其精华去其糟粕。
[关键词]: 文化教育差异;分析;经济背景差异;社会条件的差异。

Family education and cultural differences

[abstract] : this article through the differences between economic background, education background, cultural differences between the traditional culture and don't difference, the difference of economic form, social conditions for the differences between the two countries for beauty in the cultural education really exist obvious differences. For example, the same age children, China and the United States, children's way of thinking, communicating, cultural level, etc. China education in a local family culture is also common. For example, the same tutor, the same attention on the child education, etc. But in the real education method and the education idea or different. From the different aspects of family culture and education to explain the same and different places, so that its essence to the dregs.
[key] : cultural education differences, Analysis, Economic background difference, Social conditions.


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