谢谢好心人~ 帮忙整一下 期末了~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:35:53
需要写一篇商务英语的作文 具体要求如下~
Project guideline: Imagine you are starting a bussiness online selling handmade toys. Write a plan for this business in as much detail as possible. Include the following; a) where and how you intend to raise capital b) what marketing you will need to do c) what training you and your staff will need d) what problems you might have.
Requirements :Students should submit at least 1000 words. The English used should have accurate grammar and spelling. Work submitted must be the student’s own. Research, including online, is encouraged.
希望大家救救我~ 谢谢了 1000词~

怎么这么少1000字?你什么level的水平啊? 这么少没办法写 给你个idea吧~

首先你要明确你的business是在网上,而且你的产品是toy 特点是 handmade

a. 筹集资金,可以写的大点 issue stock to rise capital / 找合作伙伴 partnership / 等等

b. marketing 这部分你把 4Ps 写出来,还可以加个 SWOT在里面

c. training 你可以写因为是网络经营,大家都要有网络技能,(比如网络维护等)

d. problem 是其他竞争对手 competition, new in the market so you have lower market acceptance, fewer customers 等等原因

你可以把这个essay 分6个段落,上面abcd各一个段落,再有一个intro 一个summary+ conclusion 就可以了,因为只有1000 没有办法开展写任何具体的东西,所以只能大概写一些东西。 所以不是很难,加油!