
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:01:31
1._______ of the land in that district ______ covered with trees and grass.
A. Two-fifth ;is B.Two-fifth; are C.Two-fifths ;is D.Two-fifths;are
2.is this factory _________ to make improvement in your study.
A.that B.where C.which D.the one
3.Ann talked about the people and things ______ moved her greatly during her stay there.
A.that B.who C.which D.what
4.Yesterday we went to visit the farm _____ my father used to work for nearly ten years.
A.in which B.that C.where D.which
5.it ____ in this new hall _____ was just set up last month _______ we held an important meeting yesterday.
A.is;which;that B.was;which;what C.is;that;which D.was;which;that

1._______ of the land in that district ______ covered with trees and grass.
答案: C.Two-fifths
1. 分数词当分子大于 1 时,分母的序数词要用复数表示。
2. 分数词要作为但是主语处理。
2. Is this factory _________ to make improvement in your study.
答案:D.the one
This factory is the one to make improvement in your study. (the one 是表语,不定式是定语。因为空后没有谓语动词,不可能构成定语从句,所以 ABC 的关系词都不可用。)
3. Ann talked about the people and things ______ moved her greatly during her stay there.
解析:由于先行词 the people and things 既包括人也包括事,所以关系代词只能用既表示人也表示事物的 that 指代。
4. Yesterday we went to visit the farm _____ my father used to work for nearly ten years.
原主句:Yesterday we went to visit the farm.
原从句:my father used to work (for the farm) nearly ten years.
由第二句括号中的 for the farm 可知,介词后的关系代词应该用 which指代 the farm。
(注:其实由于关系词已经离开介词,用that或省略也是正确的。 )
5.it ____ in