广东省廉江市吉水镇 梁晓琳 梁准智 梁冬梅 梁芙蓉

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 12:21:29
本人急找广东省廉江市吉水镇 梁晓琳女士,如有知其下落者,或有其联系方式,请详细告诉在下,本人感激不尽,她的好友有:梁准智,梁冬梅,梁芙蓉等,知道相关人员的联系方式也可以

A Western reporter asked Premier Zhou Enlai: "Will Mr. Prime Minister, now that there is no prostitutes?" Many people wonder: how to mention this problem? Everyone's concern, Premier Zhou what to say. Premier Zhou say for sure: "There!" Grand outcry, talking about. Premier Zhou Enlai to see everyone's suspicions, adding that the sentence: "China's Taiwan Province of prostitutes in our country." Suddenly a round of applause.
-------- The journalist's question is very insidious, and he designed a trap to the drilling of Premier Zhou. After the liberation of the mainland of China closed all the brothels, prostitutes through the transformation of the original have become self-reliant workers. The journalist would like to: Q "China has not prostitutes," this issue, you Chou En-lai will say "no." If you really answered, regarding his trap, he would immediately say, "Taiwan has the prostitutes," this time y