
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:23:29
The OUT pin normally provides a digital signal related to
the voltage applied to the voltage comparator and the
threshold level shifted into an 8–bit register from an external
device. When the device is placed in the standby mode the
OUT pin is driven high and will be clocked low when an overflow
is detected from a clock divider (divide by 16384) driven
by the LFO. This allows the OUT pin to wake up an external
device such as an MCU. RST Pin
The RST pin is normally driven high and will be clocked
low when an overflow is detected from total clock divider (divide
by 16,777,216) driven by the LFO. This allows the RST
pin to reset an external device such as an MCU. This pulse
will appear on the RST pin approximately every 52 minutes
regardless of the operating mode of the device. The pulse
lasts for two cycles of the LFO oscillator as shown in Figure
5. Since the RST pin is clocked from the same divide

