
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 09:27:58
我认为你的做法是正确的,朋友互相帮助应该在课下 ,你们平时可以在一起学校 ,交流学习经验,但是在考试时 ,不能作弊,你的做法恰巧帮助了他,在本次考试中找到自己不会的知识,以便在考试后及时补充。所以不用自责。考试作弊是违纪行为。你们虽然是好朋友 ,你可以在日后帮助他学习 ,给他讲解不会的知识,给他讲清楚道理,他会理解你的 ,他也会认识到自己的行为是错误的。

I think your approach is correct, and friends help each other should be the next lesson, you usually can with schools, the exchange of learning experiences, but in the exam, you can not cheat your way happen to help him, and in this examination found they will not in knowledge in order to replenish after the examination. So do not blame. Cheating is a disciplinary offense. Although you are good friends, you can learn in the future to help him and give him the knowledge to explain would not give him make it clear reason, he will understand you, he would recognize their behavior is wrong

可以用金山翻下。I think your approach is correct, and friends help each other should be the next lesson, you usually can with schools, the exchange of learning experiences, but in the exam, you can not cheat your way happen to help him, and in this examination found they will not in knowledge in order to replenish after the examination. So do not blame. Cheating is a disciplinary offense. Although you a