
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 15:36:57
摘 要:程序设计语言课程是数学与应用数学专业的基础课,设置合理的课程体系是新建本科院校人才培养模式的一个重要环节,以专业需求和培养学生综合素质为目的,根据目前流行的程序设计语言,从课程选择与设置、教材建设、加强实践教学和改进教学手段等方面做了探讨。

New University Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Programming Language Curriculum and Teaching Abstract: A programming language courses are Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the basic course, set a reasonable course system is a new training model undergraduate colleges an important link in order to professional needs and the overall quality of students for the purpose, according to the current popular programming languages, from the course selection and setting, teaching materials, strengthening the practice of teaching and improving teaching methods, etc. have done a study.
关键词:Applied Mathematics; courses; teaching materials; practice teaching; teaching methods