英语翻译 帮忙啊兄弟们

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:31:50
世界上最难跋涉的不是路途之遥远而是你的美 翻译出来谢谢

It is your beauty rather than the long distance of the way that is the most difficult to cover. 我觉得这里的cover可以理解为双关对于路途来说是跋涉,但是对于美来说就是掩盖。个人愚见

the most difffcult to trek is not the distance of the road but your beauty

The world's most difficult trek is not far away but the journey of the translated Thank you America

It is your beauty rather than the long distance of the way that is the most difficult to cover