
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 08:33:10
1.If you love a person,you surely hope that they will become___thay can become.
a. all that b.all what c.that all d.that a
2.In this part of the country,___is generally considered a disadvantage for men.
a.being short b.short c.not to be tall d.not all a
3.____in her actress friend’s costume,she looks exactly like a gypsy girl.
a.to be dressed b.dressed c.dressing d.to dress b
4.In fact, there is some question ___such a person lived at all.
a.about whom b.with which c.concerning whether d.as to whether d
5.When he returned home,he found everything in his room was ___it had been the day he left 10 years ago.
a.as b.what c.that d.like a
6.There is possibly___sweeter sound to the human ear___the sound of one’s own name.
a.more,than b.not,besides c.no,than d.no,except for c
7.In____the most primitive c

1. become 后面自然是接宾语了.在这个句子里有2个可能.a.all作为become的宾语后面的句子是修饰all的定语从句.其实如果只用what也是可以的,就等于all that.
2. 缺少主语,c,d排除.b short是形容词,不可以做主语其实也排除.只有a为动名词形式做主语.
3.其实是个省略句,全句为(when she) dressed in.....
4.根据句意,后面肯定是用whether了,所以选择as to...表示关于.其实句子有错,应该为there are some questions吧.
5. as引导的从句做表语
6. 这句话的意思是没有比听到自己名字更美妙的声音了.no=not any.而且是个比较句所以选c
7. 根据句意只能选b了,因为其他的3个选项的意思都是指在远古是人们都不以物换物,显然错了.
8. 还是省略句.a表示正在考虑,d表示将要考虑,都错了.b不是个完整句子,所以是省略句,省略句中不用助动词.所以只有c.其实也可以说considered all things
9. 后面有个then,所以前面的动作是已经完成的,排除a和c原因同上.d错就在于不是一个完整的句子,所以不能有主动词have的出现.而b中的having转化为现在分词短语的省略形式是可以的.但是其实句子非常别扭,外国人一般都不这么说的.可能是典型的中国式英语题吧.
10. 从语法上说,a,b,c都可以用,修饰前面的medium.根据句意没有表示正在使用或者是被过去使用的意思所以排除b和c.选择a.
11.这个在外语中很常见,放在句中表示补充说明.其中的as意同like.所以选d. 也可以说为like what have been suggested by some.
12. 只能选d来指代所有in which后面的内容.为了避免头重脚轻,所以用一个代词提前来做表语后面跟定语从句加以说明.个人觉得用the one将会使句子更好

分少题多…all后面只能跟that,固定的…动词进行时可作主语,宾语…(she is )dressed in...,she…主句和状语主语相同,可省调状语中的主语加Be.手机打的先不说了…不求分…希望可以帮帮你