
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 05:51:42


Mitchell (1965,见Blair 2001) 指出,一种相当于“普通澳大利亚语”(Broad Australian)的英语方言于1830年左右在新南威尔州形成。也就是说,在英国人殖民澳洲的最初50年里,不同的方言就在澳洲这块新大陆上融合成了一种新的英语种类。

据Hammarstrom(1980 p.4)说,“如果将今天的澳大利亚英语和英国英语的方言的发音做比较,我们可以清晰地分辨出,澳大利亚英语的发音源自伦敦口音,具体说是英国东南部的口音。它们在元音,尤其是辅音上有很多共同之处。”
追溯历史,我们发现当时英国送到澳洲大陆的囚犯中有三分之一的人来自伦敦。伦敦方言也就由此奠定了澳大利亚英语的语音基础。时至今日,澳大利亚英语中仍然保留了大量的东伦敦方言,即Cockney口音(现在在英国东南部还可以听到这种发音),其中最常见的就是将day/dei/发成/dai/,reason /ri:zn/发成/reizn/。
英国人把囚犯送往澳洲的做法一直持续到19世纪中期。最后一批囚犯于1855年到达澳洲东海岸的Norfold Island。(Molony 2005, p.128)此后,欧洲各国和世界各地的移民开始到达澳洲,中国人也在“淘金”时期大量地涌入。但是,不管新来的移民是讲任何一种欧洲语言还是东方语言,他们都得接受和使用英

there should be some profound connections between language and race;language and society;language and communication.it does not matter that british english, american english or austrialian english,actually, it is a language, a foreign language to chinese speaking people.therefore,only based on you hand the basic communication skills and study hard in the history and culture of these different types of english speaking countrise, then it is possible that learners could tell their diffirences, be fluent of them.
the formation histroy of austrialian english
Mitchell(1965, see blair 2001)point out: one "ordinary australian language" as one of english dialects be formed in new south wales around 1830.in other words , during the first 50yeas of british colonial on austrialian, there has diffierent dialects become a new kind of english on the new field.

1.the foundation of australian engish -- london dialect

according to hammarstrom(1