谁能告诉我在选择情态动词填空时应该怎么选择 方法是什么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 01:50:06
1,John _____ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.
A.may B.can
2,---May I take this book out?
---No, you____.
A.can't B.may not C.needn't D.aren't
3,You ____ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.
A.can B.must C.dare D.would
4,---Can you speak Japanese?
---No,I ____.
A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.may not
5,---He ____ be in the classroom,I think.
---No,he ____ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.
A.can;may B.must;may not C.may;can't D.may;mustn't
6,---Shall I get one more cake for you,Dad?
---Thanks,but you ____ ,I've had enough.
A.may not B.must not C.can't D.needn't
7,He isn't at school.Ithink he ____ be ill.
A.can B.shall C.must D.has to
8,____ I take this one?
A.May B.Will C.Are D.Do
9,The childre

7 C 本句为他没在学校,他一定是病了,这里的must不是指必须生病,是一种猜测。
9 B 这里指禁止儿童在马路上踢球 若选A 是指这些孩子没有能力在马路上踢球,can一般指能力

11 A 是表示不需要这么做。 mustn't是表示禁止的意思