
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 03:42:39
dear toby,
Iam very happy to teii you about my last weekend.

After the final examinations, my mother took me to Beijing on Jan. 20. We went there by train. We got off at Beijing Railway Station and lived [stayed] (1) in my uncle's. In those days we went to the Ruins of Yuan Ming Yuan, the Temple of Heaven, the Zoo of Beijing, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City (故宫) and the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao.

Beijing is not only a city with a long history but also a very modernized one. She's our political and cultural centre. She has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. We can see high buildings everywhere. Every year lots of Chinese and foreign friends come to visit [it] (2) .

When Mom and I reached Beijing, the first thing we saw was a clear sky. The sky in Beijing was really very blue. The air in Beijing was so fresh that it made me excited.

Now in Beijing, the traffic is very convenient. There're a lot of buses, taxis, little buses [minbuses](3) , trolleybuses and subways [th