
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 17:23:57
我使用PIMS 服务器上的excel2003,不知道是否因为我误按了某个按钮,我无法使用Aspen将PIMS里的数据链接到excel里,每次都弹出个对话框, 标题是Microsoft Visual Basic,内容是:Compile error in hidden module:frmtrendData,我不知道怎么解决,现在excle可以通过键盘输入数据,但是无法从PIMS服务器通过Aspen (Add-ins)链接数据。请问各位如何解决,是什么原因造成的。德国的一个工程师告诉我是因为我电脑里安装了一个$NtUninstallKB974554$的补丁(patch),如果将其卸载即可,但是我电脑里没有这个文件啊,下面是老外的原话,我感觉不可行啊。非常着急。In the AspenTech support database I found one entry (Solution ID 127483) about your problem dated from 2009-10-30:
A security patch from microsoft (KB974554) can cause this error. AspenTech is working with Microsoft to find a solution.

If you find a directory called $NtUninstallKB974554$ inside the Windows directory, the patch has been installed on your PC.
Then you have to uninstall this patch. Hopefully the AddIn will work after doing this.
在Excel的帮助里这样提示:Compile error in hidden module: <module name>
A protected module can't be displayed. This error has the following cause and solution:
There is a compilation er
