what do you think are the main benefits that computer brings to English learning?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 12:24:34

Computer indeed have helped us a lot in learning English.

In my point of view, there are three main benefits that computer brings to English learning. First of all, with computer, we can run varieties of English-study softwares which could make the process of learning the language more interesting thus we will learn English more efficiently.

Second, with the convenient internet access, the computers enable us to be exposed to a great many authentic English materials such as English websites and stuff. And surely our commands of English would be enhanced by scanning them persistently.

Third, still with Internet, we can make friends with English-spoken people online and talk to them. which could force us to use English but not merely to learn as rote.

And all of them above are based on computer facilities. So in conclusion, we do benefit from employing computer when learning English. And above are all the main benefits that I think which