求助!初中英语作文 好的加分在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:48:08
how to improve your memory 求助!

1. attention centralism. When memory, so long as with total concentration, wholly absorbed, will remove the distracting thoughts and the external interference, the cerebral cortex will leave behind the profound memory trace, but will not be easy to forget. If the spirit is lax, keeps one eye on, greatly will cut the memory efficiency. the 2. interest is thick. If to studies the material, the knowledge object to be insipid, even if flowered again much time, also remembers with difficulty. the 3. understanding remembered. The understanding is the memory foundation. Only then understood the thing can record the jail, remembers the long time. Only depends on the mechanical memorizing, is not easy to remember. Regarding important study content, like 4. overlearning. Namely to studies the material in the foundation which remembers, records several, achieves degree which memorizes, keeps firmly in mind. Overlearning's best degree is 150%. 5. prompt review. After the forgetting speed is