Corporate Governance Code

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 01:17:58
到底是什么叫corporate goverance code?
老师给了一个题目叫:The understanding of Executive Pay and the current corporate governance system regarding Executive Pay. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of corporate governance codes and other measures in dealing with concerns about executive pay.
是要强调Corporate Goverance Code如何影响Executive Pay, 还是要分析他们是怎么相互影响?

• he Combined Code on CorporateGovernance sets out standards of good practice in relation to issues such as boardcomposition and development, remuneration, accountability andaudit and relations with shareholders.
• Applies to companies incorporated in the UK and/or listed on theLondon Stock Exchange.
• Under the listing rules they must report how they applied thecombined code in their annual reports and accounts.
• Key elements:
-Every listedcompany should have a Board of Directors
-Clear divisionbetween responsibilities of the chairman and the CEO
-Formal andtransparent arrangements for applying financial reporting