英译汉翻译 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 14:09:51
1 Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.

2 You find a telephone number in the phone book,dial it and then forget it. This is your short-term memory.It lasts less than 30 seconds.

3 Your long-term memory has everything you remember.

4 Youdid not learn it in the beginning.

5 It is difficult to memorize sonething you don't understand.

6 Do noly noe thing at a time.

7 Try to connect the new information with something you already know.

8 Divide the information into parts.Do not have more than seven parts.

9 Make a picture in your mind.

10 Some people have a photographic memory.

1 Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.

2 You find a telephone number in the phone book,dial it and then forget it. This is your short-term memory.It lasts less than 30 seconds.

3 Your long-term memory has everything you remember.

4 Youdid not learn it in the beginning.

5 It is difficult to memorize something you don't understand.

6 Do only one thing at a time.

7 Try to connect the new information with something you already know.

8 Divide the information into parts.Do not have more than seven parts.

9 Make a picture in your mind.

10 Some people have a photographic memory.

1 将短期记忆转为长期记忆。

2 你从电话本中找出号码,然后拨打,之后忘记。这