
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 03:13:49
本系统主要使用ASP技术,后台使用SQL Server2003+Access2003数据库。开发工具使用了Macromedia公司的Dreamweaver8。另外,在网页的设计上,使用了一些脚本语言VBScript作为样式模板和实现一些特效,网页的网站的美化使用了Adobe公司的Photoshop cs3图象、图片处理软件。

关键词:饮品销售 信息化 物品

Along with the computer network development and popularization of Internet access, rapid and become the important channel and information, it is in politics, economy, life aspects plays an important role. The development of modern information technology, and provide people with the advanced technology and rich resources, and Internet connection, let us become more social informatization times, people no longer need to spend too much time to obtain information, as long as the mechanization to move the mouse was sitting at home again, can put the items they need to purchase, please space and time limit, so use computer network, has become the people into social skills necessary now. Drinks management system was born in this situation, it has already become our commodity trading in input indispensable part.
Drinks management system is convenient for users to buy drinks and administrators and the establishment of the goods, the system is mainly composed of drinks, drinks, administr