英语口语 编对话

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 18:22:41
Give a description of a scenic spot。



A: What did you do today?
B: I went shopping at the mall.
A: What did you buy?
B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not.
A: Why?
B: Well, they didn't have a dress my size.
A: I see. What did the dress look like?
B: It was black with white patterns on it. It was very pretty.
A: Maybe you should go to the mall again some other day. They might have stocked your size then.
B: Good idea. That's what I'll do.
H: Hey darling, guess what,today I saw a guy in my office wearing such a nice suit with a fantastic tie. (嘿,亲爱的,想不到吧,今天我们办公室一个家伙穿了这么一套漂亮西装还配了条精致的领带)
W: Forget it ,that isn't what you can think about,it must take half of your monthly pay. (算了吧,那不是你能想的,得花你半个月薪水呢。)
H:No, not at