
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 19:39:11
1.I can hardly work with that noise going on.
2.I found the house suddenly,and stood there with my heart beating fast and tears coming to my eyes.
3.With the sun right overhead now,the fields,the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out clearly
on a vast,flat surface,brilliantly lit and still.They arrived at Yangji,the village where LiuHong and his
men had first met Shen Mao's group when they came from ZaoZhuang.

1. 这声音吵死了,我都无法工作了。

2. 房子找到了,我却站在那里无法平静,禁不住热泪盈眶。

3. 在太阳的照耀下,平地上所有的田野、树林和棚屋都清晰可见。刘洪一行终于到达要和沈茂的小组进行从枣庄来这以后的首次会晤的杨箕村了。

1.That noise is going on.I can hardly work.
2.I found the house suddenly.I just stood there.My heart was beating fast and my tears was coming to my eyes.

3.With the sun right overhead now,the fields,the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out clearly on a vast,flat surface,brilliantly lit and still.
They arrived at Yangji. They arrived at the village where LiuHong and his men had first met Shen Mao's group when they came from ZaoZhuang.

1这声音真吵! 吵得我都快不能工作了。
2突然间,我发现了这屋子,这时 我站在那里心跳加速,眼泪也流了出来。
3the fields,the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out clearly with the sun right overhead now
4They arrived at Yangji village on a vast,flat surface,brilliantly lit and stillwhere LiuHong and his
men had first met Shen Mao's group when they came from ZaoZhuang.

. 这声音太吵,我都不能工作了