
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 15:12:36
1 明代万里长城横贯东西,宛如巨龙巍峨壮观。长城以雄伟著称于世,它是我们祖先聪明智慧的结晶,它是中华民族伟大英勇不屈精神的象征。

2 从这里出土的古生物化石及人类文明的遗存,可以告诉我们早在远古时代这里就有猛犸象,鹿,牛,岩羊,羚羊等切齿动物在此栖息。人类出现后,在这处美丽的土地上生息繁衍,走过了数万年的岁月。

3 长城上的敌台,烽燧铺房,碑刻铭文及山体上的摩岩题记,是长城文化的主体;长城内外流传在民间的故事传说,是长城文化灿烂的口头文学。

4 今天,雄伟的长城是这座城市重要的旅游资源,得到妥善的保护与利用。展览的出土文物、遥感地图与三维现实模型影像及照片,勾勒出名长城文化的丰富内涵。

5 “不到长城非好汉”,“爱我中华,修我长城”。长城精神永不倒,它将永远激励人民用勤劳的双手创造出更加美好的明天。


1 the Ming Dynasty Great Wall crosses the thing, just like greatdragon palatial magnificent sight. The Great Wall to grand isworld-famous, it is our ancestor intelligent wisdom crystallization,it is the Chinese nation great heroic and unyielding spirit symbol.

2 from here unearthed extinct organism fossil and human civilizationremaining, was allowed to tell us as early as to have the fierce 犸elephant in ancient times time here, the deer, the cow, the bluesheep, cutting tooth animal and so on antelope perches in this. Afterthe humanity appears, lives the multiplication on this place beautifulland, has passed through for tens of thousands of years year.

In 3 Great Wall's enemy tower, the beacon-fire shop room, on the stelecarving engraved inscription and the mountain body touches the cragprefatory remarks, is the Great Wall culture main body; Inside andoutside the Great Wall spreads in the folk story fable, is the GreatWall culture bright oral literature. <