
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 03:05:34
1.主任正在等你,他告诉我你一来,就请你上去(send up)
2.谁负责安排一下明天的会议(see to)
3.我们无比在上午10点前布置好教室(set up)
4.在我们城市的东面要建一个新的汽车工厂(set up)
5.我花了2个小时布置我的房间(set up)
6.你要想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站(set off)
7.中国许多大城市都不允许放烟花(set off)
8.除夕晚上,许多人都会守岁到午夜(stay up)
9.孩子们熬夜看电视是没有好处的(stay up)
10.秘书通常在会议中作纪录(take dictation)
11.我能用英语纪录口述每分钟120个单词(take dictation)
12.上海真的面貌涣然一新啊!(take on a new look)
13.我的家乡变化很大,面貌涣然一新,我几乎都认不出来了(take on a new look)
14.她日益了解自己的工作了(day by day)
15.如果你努力学习,你会日益进步的(day by day)
16.我肯定你能充分发挥你的才能(bring one's talents into full play)
17.他总是期望着能在工作中充分发挥自己的才干(bring one's talents into full play)
18.我昨天拜访了一位老朋友(call on)
19.学生会号召同学们参加运动会(call on)
20.他参加了数学竞赛,结果得了第3名(come out)

1.the manager is waiting for you he tell me to send you up.

2.see to whose responsible for tomorrow's meeting.

3.we have to set up the class before 10 o'clock.

4.we will set up a new mobile factory at the east of this city.

5.i use 2 hour to set up my room .

6.if you want to get on that train you better set off to the train station right now.

7.in china many big citys fireworks are not permitted.

8.on the new year's eva many people will stay up till mid-night.

9.kids stay up to watch tv it isn't really that good.

10.the secretary will usuall take dictation in the meeting.

11. 这个不是很会翻译

12.shang hai really is take on a new look

13.my home town really is take a new look , i can't really recognize it .

14.day by day she start to understand my work .

15.if you study hard day by day you will be really good.