
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:54:11

unix 在84年时就有图形了,而linux是unit的克隆,也就应该是那时吧

The standard windowing system in the Unix world, developed in the early 1980s, is the X Window System, or X. X was developed at MIT as Project Athena. Its original purpose was to allow users of the newly emerging graphic terminals to access remote graphics workstations, without regard to the workstation’s operating system or the hardware. Due largely to the availability of the source code used to write X, it has become the standard layer for management of graphical and input/output devices and for the building of both local and remote graphical interfaces on virtually all systems, including UNIX, the BSD operating systems and the GNU/Linux distributions.
