这里的at all什么意思?后一句如何翻译?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 16:20:37
The emphasis on academic performance and the fear of controversy have prompted many schools to make only a half-hearted effort to teaching students about sex. The result: Puberty lesson periods are used to teach other subjects, and students are told to read the textbooks at home - that is, if there's a textbook at all.


at all 强调

At all用于表达强调时,前段是否定式或持疑问性质的。在这里,“if there's a book”是相等于“如果真有这么一本书?”,因为前文说的是“性教育”,这类的内容很难在课本里找到。

注重成绩,恐怕有很多争议,学校只热心教导学生性工作. 结果:发育期执教经验的谈话,并告诉学生读课本在家,即有一本的.
at all 强调