english daily !自已写的一点东西.. 高人指点!有无语法误

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:41:27
even though i have learned english for 3 years .. but i find i can speak fluently .specially in some chat room , such as icq chat room . when i get a stranger words .. i have to look them up in dictionary .
but i find it is really effectlly to chat there .. i learn a lot of useful phrase .
sometimes i wonder when i can speak english fluently as a native speaker .
the end

根据意思but i find i can speak fluently应该是否定的意思所以在can加not
when i get a stranger words 这里的get换成encounter,words 去掉s
i learn a lot of useful phrase 这句应该用过去了learn 变为leart, a lot of 后面应该跟phrase的复数


in some chat rooms
such as icq chat rooms
when I get stranger words
in the dictionary
it is really effective
I learned a lot of useful phrases
as a native speaker逻辑错误
as an English/American native speaker


Even though I have studied English for three year, (I find0 I can't speak fluently. Especially when I am in chat room, eg. icq chat room, I always come across some words I don't understand. I have to look them up in the dictionary. Anyway, I find it is very useful to chat there---I have learned a lot over there. I wonder if I can speak as fluent as a native Eng