请大家帮忙修改一下英文 小女子感激不尽

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:58:03
This realization relates to purchase, stock, conveyance, freight, and delivery and brings together the measure of a part of which the effect is the most important. Therefore, the management in the store is set up to have the task of the purchase, the task of the delivery, the task of processing, and the task of warehouse storage all together in sending to the other store for the developmental accomplishment of the small town; thus, the management has the most important significance. Sell the industry the tycoon is fertile but the success of the company of Wal-Mart, go together with to send to the center to have the prominent function strongly. The Wal-Mart passes at global more than 5000 stores global network can in a hour to each merchandise of stock, last, the sale quantity all of stocktakings. So, retail sales store in Wal-mart, will not take place to be out of stock the circumstance. The company headquarters and global each branches and each suppliers carry on the contact throu


这实现有关购买, 存货,运输,船货和递送而且一起带来对一个哪一效果是最重要的部份衡量。 因此,管理在商店中被建立一起在送到另一个方面有购买的工作,递送的工作,处理的工作和仓库储藏的工作为小的城镇发展上成就储存; 因此,管理有最重要的重要性。 卖企业界的大亨是肥沃的工业但是组 Wal 的成功- 市场, 一起去由于对中心送强烈地有显着的功能。 Wal- 市场在全球于 5000间商店的途径全球的网络在一个小时中能到存货的每商品,最后的, 售卖量所有的 stocktakings。 如此, 零售 Wal 的售卖商店-市场,将不发生无存货环境。 公司总部和全球的每个部门和每个供应者透过一个通常的计算机系统继续连络。 他们有相同货物系统的修理,相同的 EDI 形成密码系统,存货的管理系统,相同的成员管理系统的一样, 相同接受系统银的,如此的系统能了解 wal 的肥沃整个世界的商店数据-来自一间商店的市场。 总部指导商品种类和商店部门的调整卖不断地显示,以定方位区域需要。

????不好意思 隅不会啊

Your English translation is too bad. It looks like a machine translation. Your Chinese writing is good. You need to rewrite all sentences. Sorry I don't have an hour to sort it out for you.