
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 15:35:45

The Other Great Wall

Since the end of imperial rule, Chinese leaders have shared a colossal(巨大的, 庞大的) engineering ambition: to dam the mighty Yangtze River. In May, 87 years after Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese Nationalist leader, first proposed locating a dam downstream of the scenic Three Gorges, workers added the last blocks of concrete to raise the Three Gorges Dam to its full 610-foot height and 1.4-mile girth.

The dam demands superlatives(最高的): it is the world’s largest concrete structure and the largest dam in terms of water displacement, flood control and power generation. It is five times as wide as the Hoover Dam, and the reservoir(水库, 蓄水池) it has created stretches for about 400 miles, longer than Lake Superior. When it becomes fully functional in 2009, the dam’s 26 turbines(涡轮) should produce 84.68 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year, meeting nearly one-tenth of China’s needs.

If it works as planned, the dam