谁能翻译U2的When I Look At The World

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 01:58:18
when you look at the world
what is it that you see?
people find all kinds of things
that bring them to their knees
i see an expression
so clear and so true
that changes the atmosphere
when you walk into the room
so, i try to be like you
try to feel it like you do
but without you, it's no use
i can't see what you see
when i look at the world
when the night is someone else's
and you're tryin' to get some sleep
when your thoughts are too expensive
to ever wanna keep
when there's all kinds of chaos
and everyone is walking lame
you don't even blink now, do you?
don't even look away
so, i try to be like you
try to feel it like you do
but without you, it's no use
i can't see what you see
when i look at the world
i can't wait any longer
i can't wait till i'm stronger
can't wait any longer
to see

翻开世界 什么是见到? 找什么 这使其屈服 我看表现 所以,真正清楚 改变气氛 当走进会场 所以,我希望你尽量 如你觉得努力 但你是没用 我不知道你看到 我看世界 在舞会别人 和你Tryin'先睡觉 如果您过高 以往,免费让 如有的各种乱象 「大家都走 你都不担心,您. 即使不考虑取消 所以,我希望你尽量 如你觉得努力 但你是没用 我不知道你看到 我看世界 我不能再等了 我不我待加强 不能再等了 看到看到 我看世界 我在候车室 我不明白的烟 我认为你们的圣书 在美国其他窒息 对我说 您认为呢? 对我说 这有什么不好呢?