
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 07:04:44
a) Vendor warrants that the goods supplied hereunder are of the kind and quality specified herein, free from fault of design, workmanship and material, are new and of good merchantable quality, and shall perform in accordance with the specifications and drawings forming part hereof. All goods shall at all times be subject to PDOC’s inspection but neither PDOC’s inspection or failure to inspect shall relieve Vendor of any obligations hereunder. If any goods fail to conform with the specifications or are otherwise defective PDOC may, in its sole discretion, reject all of the goods purchased under this Order or any portion thereof and PDOC shall be entitled to a refund in full or at PDOC option to request Vendor to promptly replace the same at Vendor’s sole expense.
b) Vendor warrants that PDOC shall receive clear and unencumbered title to the goods supplied and that the goods may be acquired, owned, held, used and disposed of by PDOC without infringing on any p

3. 担保 一)卖方须具有以下的物品种类和质量指明此处,不受故障设计、工艺、材料、新和销售质量好的,并应履行按照规格和图纸组成部分. 所有货物须时刻受到pdoc的检查,但没有pdoc视察检查应当减轻或者失败的任何义务卖方以下. 如果有不符合规格的货物或者其他损坏pdoc可在其斟酌决定否决全部购买的物品根据这项命令或任何部分,并应有权pdoc全额退款或要求卖方及时pdoc选择更换同在卖方的惟一牺牲. 二)卖方应领取认股权证,pdoc明确所有权的支配的物品和货物可收购国有举行,由使用、处置pdoc侵犯任何专利、工业设计、版权、商标或国内或国外,是否. c)所有保证将继续全力抵御任何法律效力不终止这个命令pdoc并应延长(一)(18)18个月内接收货物,或(二)(12)12个月刚成立的商品或创办的设备进入该产品纳入为准. 所修理或更换的货物在这里应值得保证期限再延长(一)(18)18个月内完成这项维修或更换,或(二)12(12)个月内重新集结货物或再启动的设备中的货物纳入为准. 卖方应承担一切费用修理或更换担保品在此处,包括但不限于(如检验费、运费、货物发送回置换、保险费、储存、装卸费用等)