
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:18:32

That depends on individual. I have seen some never change for 20 years: speak Chinese, eat Chinese food, wear fake LV bags, watch Chinese tv and vacation in China.

I have seen some staying here for 6 months and pretends she does not speak Chinese anymore.

There is a joke. If a new immigrant changes and adjusts to the Canadian society well, he or she will gain 10 lbs a year, ie 30 lbs in 3 years before getting citizenship. Why? He or she is so used to Canadian diet: fries, fast food, milk, cheese and etc.

Ask you friend if he has gained weight or goes to KTV. If he hasn't gained too much and keeps going to KTV, he remains same old, same old.


穿着土气, 说话洋气, 花钱小气

