
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 15:47:32

粤菜历史悠久,汉魏、南北朝时已见于文献,清末民初驰名海内外。原料广采博收,追求生猛。善用烧、煲、软炸、软炒、清蒸等烹调法,口味清淡鲜和。 有着“博采众长”、“兼容并蓄”的美名

Guangdong long history, the Han, the North has been found in the literature, destroyed famous at home and abroad.Bo admission materials widely adopted, the pursuit of crazy.Use of burning, burning, bombing soft, soft speculation, such as steamed vegetarian recipes, tastes fresh and customers.There, "from all" and "inclusive" of a man.