
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 23:51:47
Vanessa-Mae was born in Singapore on October 27,1978.She moved to London with her family when she was four ,A year later, she started to learn the violin. When she was eight,she went to Beijing to study the violin. When she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians .But Vanessa-Mae doesn`t only play the violin.She learnt the piano before she started to play the violin.



Vanessa-Mae1978年10月27日出生于新加坡。4岁的时候和她的家人一起移民到伦敦,一年以后她开始学习小提琴。8岁的时候她来到北京学习小提琴。在她10岁的时候在一个著名的古典音乐家小组里演奏。Vanessa-Mae 不仅仅只学习小提琴,她学小提琴之前还学了钢琴。

Vanessa-Mae 1978年10月27日出生在新加坡,四岁时随家人移居伦敦。一年之后开始学习小提琴。八岁时到北京学习小提琴。当她十岁时,她和一个著名的古典音乐乐团一起演出。Vanessa-Mae 不仅仅会拉小提琴,在她学习小提琴之前,她还学过钢琴。

Vanessa-Mae was born in Singapore on October 27,1978.She moved to London with her family when she was four ,A year later, she started to learn the violin. When she was eight,she went to Beijing to study the violin. When she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians .But Vanessa-Mae doesn`t only play the violin.She learnt the piano before she started to play the violin.
大1978年10月27日Vanessa-Mae出生在新加坡,在她四岁时随家人迁往伦敦,一年后她开始学习小提琴当她8岁时又来到北京学习小提琴,10岁时Vanessa已经能够在一支古典音乐团内演奏了。但是 Vanessa并不单单只拉小提琴,在学习小提琴前她学习的是钢琴

Vanessa-Mae 1978年10月27日出生在新加坡,四岁时随家人移居伦敦。一年之后开始学习小提琴。八岁时到北京学习小提琴。当她十岁时,她和一个著名的古典音乐乐团一起演出。Vanessa-Mae 不仅仅会拉小提琴,在她学习小提琴之前,她还学过钢琴。
