
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 02:28:33

---多谢指导! 汉译英!

It was him. He seemed to be in haste, after all, he was the last one came in. He didn't look very well. He groomed himself a bit, and was about to speak something. But he just subtly moved his lips, realizing that something seems not to be right. Everybody was looking at him. He looked like that his tounge was licking the teeth. After a few minutes, he still did not speak anything.

1. 根据不同上下文,“最后到”可以翻成"came in"或"arrived",此处用了前者。
2. "groom oneself" = 整理某人自己的仪容,在这里可直接暗示整理“衣服”。
3. 英语有“意识”一词,但没有“下意识”。"subtly"指“不被人察觉的”,应该算是比较贴切了。

Just as expected, it was done by him.He seemed hurried and his color was not very good, after all he was the last to reach.He cleared up his cloth easily.When he was to speak and moved his mouth a little consciously, he feeled something strange.Everybody was looking at him,and it seemed that the boss was going to say something.However, he still didn't speak after a few minutes.