西方音乐中vocal music 是一种什么样得音乐呢,具体有什么样的特点啊,感觉很好听,好像有点爵士的味道

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 06:52:25
有什么网站能够很详细的介绍各种不同音乐类型,并且有相应的音乐视听。 万分感谢

the 20th century, school songs were the initial forms of modern Chinese songs, and at the same time they were the country's modern professional songs in embryo. Of course, the school songs in their early and middle periods were not professional music in the strict sense, as their tunes were specially selected from an existing corpus and were fitted to ci poems. But in their later period, beginning with Li Shutong's Spring Outing, tunes were composed to the school songs. In the late 1920s, Xiao Youmei, Zhao Yuanren and others were the first modern composers in the real sense of the word. Their works, such as Questioning and Teach Me How to Forget Him were the first art songs.

The Japanese invasion in the 1930s marked a great change in the style of Chinese songs, from the theme of enlightenment to that of resistance and saving the nation. Patriotic composers, represented by Nie Er and Xian Xinghai, produced a large number of songs in the latter vein, such as March