
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 06:13:37

"民间预测学-----能观天测月, 能呼风唤雨,预测命运"!

之中学时代就开始接触“算命”了,可一直并没有把他当回事, 只是拿来玩一玩, 哄哄女孩们,随着时间的逝去,成长中认识了科学,什么是"爱因斯坦相对论",当代科学家的“时间镜像论”,自然系数…………

四柱八字, 说来很不可思义,就以这八个字能测人的一生吗,回答应该是否定的,但这八个字中隐含着不可思义的算术,通过一些的计算,在长长的人生中,有30%的事情能在这八个字是预测得到,每个人在出生的那一刻,周围环境,事物……等一切都是唯一的。这就像自然系数随机化一样, 有学者认为它是有规律的。相对论中:“当物体的速度超过光速时, 将会穿梭时间空间,回到未来或过去”,时间镜像论中:“时间像动画一样,时间的每一刻都存在着一个镜像”,这样说来人生的路早已被老天爷定下来了!不论怎么去改变历程,都早已被记录在“无字天书”中!

Time Mirror--- fate

"civil forecast ----- days and observability, shakers can forecast the fate!"之 middle school began contacts "telling", he has not just some fancy pretenses, only brought one game to play,, were girls, with the passage of time, the growing scientific understanding of the meaning of "Einstein's theory of relativity."Contemporary scientists "time mirror theory," natural factors : : : : Four-123A that was inconceivable to justice.These words could be determined on a person's life?, the answer should be negative, but as an ideological phrase implied just arithmetic.Through some of the terms, in a long life, 30% of the words in this matter is predictable.every person born in the moment, the environment, etc. All these are the only things : :.This is similar to natural factors like random, some scholars feel that it is the law.Relativity : "When the object faster than the speed of light, time and space shu