急求 作文 营口的别进 (24小时) 80分~~~~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 03:20:54

今天是冯杰的生日,一早就收到了不少礼物.放学时,她漫漫整理书包,准备下楼,两个男生跑来,递给她一个礼盒,一口同声说了一句"HAPPLY BIRTHDAY" 就 剂眉弄眼地下楼了.冯杰先是一楞,接着一阵脸红,赶紧把礼盒塞了进书包,急忽忽往家赶,心中不断猜想: 礼盒里究竟是装着什么?......

别正黄的啊 我老师要写的 无敌了 急求~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Today is the birthday of Hangzhou, has long had received many gifts. School, she takes pack their schoolbags, ready to go downstairs.Two boys ran, and handed her a package.speak with one voice said, "HAPPLY BIRTHDAY" Eyes on the agent to make way for the eyes. FENG first Yileng.Then a burst of blushing, he quickly advanced a package Cypriot bags, emergency careless rush to the home, the hearts and minds of suspect package Lane : What is mind?