
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:25:56


〈量, 额〉 how much?; 〈数〉 how many?
1ポンド〔ダース〕几らで売る sell (tomatoes) by the pound 〔dozen〕; sell 《cakes》 for so much a 〔the〕 pound 〔dozen〕
1日几らで払われる be paid by the day
(金を)几ら出しても at any price
几ら…しても 〈譲歩〉 however…one does 〔《形式》 may do〕; 〈…にもかかわらず〉 for 〔with〕 all (our efforts); in spite of; 《形式》 despite
几ら働いても however hard one works 〔may work〕
几ら金があっても however rich one is 〔may be〕
几ら长く〔遅く〕ても at the longest 〔latest〕
値段はお几らですか. How much is it?
几らぐらいかかりましょうか. How much will it cost?
几らで买ったのか. What did you pay 〔give〕 for it? / How much did you get it for?
全部で几らになりますか. What does it come 〔amount〕 to?
その本なら几ら出しても欲しい. I will pay any price to obtain that book.
几ら金を出しても幸福は买えない. No amount of money can buy happiness.
彼らは几ら働いても生活が困难だ. They find it hard to make a living 〔make (both) ends meet〕, however hard they work.
几ら勇敢な人でもそれはできない. No one could do that, however brave he was.
几らなんでもあんまり无礼だ. There’