
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 02:31:35
Continuous investment in strengthening our human resources is one of the key factors that Yaguang Nypro can provide high quality product and services to our customers. We are using different channels, such as exhibition, internet and campus hiring, to recruit potential candidates and afterwards comprehensive training programs are provided so as to make sure that our people can contribute to improve our overall productivity continuously. We highly encourage new and innovative ideas from different level of employees in order to further enhance our work efficiency, management effectiveness and consequently our profitability. On the other hand, we are coordinating a lot of activities such as annual dinner, Christmas party, group traveling, birthday parties, ball games and fire drills. The objectives of all those activities are to create a secure and harmonious workplace, and then everyone can work on the same goal and show respect as well as support to each other.
General manager sec

持续通过买加投资来加强人才资源,是"Yaguang Nypro"公司能够为客户提供高质量产品和服务的关键因素。我们通过不同渠道,比如展览,因特网,还有在校园招聘来征募那些有潜力的生力军。并且通过培训,以确保这些人能够持续为为我们的公司提高生产质量。为了提高我们将来的工作效率,我们提倡来源于不同阶层的雇员的锐意创新。提高了经济管理效益,而而提高我们的收益性。另一方面,我们还整理了很多实践活动,比如年度正宴,圣诞聚会,群体旅游,生日聚会,球类比赛以及消防演习,这些活动的目地是创造一个安全和谐的生产空间,从而使员工能为同一个目标工作,并能够爱岗敬业,相互扶谐。
总经理部门:"Yaguang Nypro"公司充分利用自身不断提高的利益来给客户带来有效服务,从而来产生利润来给雇员,并为社会提供就业机会。我们不会停止提高生产质量和产品服务的步伐,以便于确保我们公司能不断走向成功

长期不断的在加强人才方面的投资,是"Yaguang Nypro"公司能够为顾客提供高质量产品和优质服务的一个关键因素.我们采用各种途径补充生力军,如:招聘会,网络以及学校招聘.并且提供全面的培训,以保证他们不断投身到我公司的的全面生产中.为了提高我们公司的工作和管理效率以便更好的赢利,我们鼓励各不同层次的员工提出新的,有创意的想法.另一方面,我们会举行年餐,圣诞节舞会,集体旅游,生日派对,球类比赛已经消防演练等活动,其目的是提供一个安全而和谐的工作环境,使得每个人都为了共同的目标而工作,同时使得员工彼此尊重,相互帮助.