
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 10:30:30

how about this one?

When Spring winds begin to blow
Singing birds fly to and fro
Making new homes for their young,
To feed and watch them grow.

Then Summer flowers are in bloom
Happy sounds of children at play
Sweet smell of lilac in the air
God’s beauty is on display!

Soon a gentle breeze of Autumn felt
Frost on the leaves made tender
Colors of Orange, Yellow and Red
A time to behold..God’s Splendor!

Winter comes not without it’s charm
As we celebrate Jesus’ birth
The falling snowflakes so white
Dusting and cleansing the earth!

© David L. Crouse 4-9-79

Spring's love blossoms... bright and new,
So pure and sparkling... in morning's damp dew,
Most blossoms give way... in summer's intense heat,
Many a Spring’s love end...in quiet defeat.

Summer’s love... the mighty oak t