
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:51:19
With the approval of your advisor and the Vice Chair, you may petition to transfer up to 16 semester units (24 quarter units) of coursework completed at other schools toward the course requirements for the Ph.D. In most cases, not more than one course would be accepted for the major field. Units used to complete a bachelor's degree will not be accepted. See the Graduate Assistant for a petition form.

有您的顾问和副主席认同, 您可以诉请转移16 个学期单位(24 四分之一单位) coursework 被完成在其它学校往Ph.D. 的路线要求在许多情况下, 不超过一条路线会被接受为主要领域。单位被使用完成学士学位不会被接受。看见毕业生助理为请愿形式。

