
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:56:46
是糖果盒子的Human Sacrifice
Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect love
And I gave you everything and still you said it wasnt enough
When you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on me
And Id swallow it down

是不是Long time no see

I'm so relax now 'cuz final exam passed. And it's kind of weird 'cuz I got A in every classes. I was so proud that I can do it with freakin hard classes like History and Literature. 'Cuz i thought that i was gonna get like B or C in those classes. But I got B in stupid easy classes like gym, Art and Maths. I really mad. 'Cuz we had exam even gym class, for what?? I didn't get any sports rules to read' Cuz most of them are American sports. I can play at class but I cant do the exam. About Art, I had to open 40 pages to answer the question. It was about History of Surrealism. Oh crap !! Anyway, im ok with it..allright..

I enjoy with my new classes, Psychology and World. I'm so fun in World class .Because I close with Sophomore boys There are 3 girls in this class include me.. Me and Darell are Senior and Blane is the only one Junior. I think im so naughty in this class. Becaus