
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 09:08:14
瑞典人文化素质较高、热情好客、纯朴诚实、谈吐文明、行为规矩、重诺守时,瑞典人十分重视环境保护,爱花、受鸟和其他野生物,热爱大自然。雇员每年享受90天的法定有薪假期,每周工作5天,全年累计工作1,500小时。瑞典是世界经济最发达、最富有的国家之一。自二战后至60年代末,瑞典经济一直保持上升状态。进入80年代,经济一度陷入滞缓状态,1982年以来,瑞典经济又呈现持续上升状态。1989年瑞典国民生产总值已达1665.20亿美元。高工资、高消费又导致通货膨胀率的上升,1988年通货膨胀率达6.9%。 瑞典实行发达的私营工商业与比较完善的国营公共服务部门相结合的“混合经济”,素以高工资、高税收、高福利著称。

Sweden locates in the east part of Scandinavia Peninsula. It neighbors to Norway in its west with a 1619 kilometers border line, to Finland in its northeast with a 586 kilometers border line, to Baltic Sea in its east, and to the North Sea in its southwest, facing Denmark across the sea. It has a total of 2181 kilometers coast line and 12 nautical miles territorial sea line. It has a narrow and long relief raked from northwest to southeast. Its north part is Nordland Plateau, while its south part and coast are mainly plains or collines. It has 100 thousand lakes and few navigable rivers. Its most regions belong to temperate deciduous forests’ climate, while its south tip regions belong to temperate broad-leaf forests’ climate. Influences by the warm dilution of the Northern North Atlantic Ocean, its mean temperatures in south part and the south part in January is -16℃ and -0.7℃, respectively, while those of south part and the south part in July are respectively 14.2℃ and 17.2℃.