How to teach the International phonetic alphabet to the beignners?(怎样教授初学者国际音标)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 01:17:03
希望知情者能用英语作答. 谢谢!
希望是用英语给我提供一些音标方面的资料,这是我的毕业论文题目,希望得到帮助,谢谢! depends on what sort of teaching method best suit you..i like to use iconic representations or involve it in a game...but i'm sure you can be more creative as well...

这个可以和汉语拼音联系在一起来学的. 既然是学音标,估计学生也是刚开始接触英语,由于音标和汉语拼音字母有很多相似之处,可以通过汉语拼音联想的方法教授学生,使之有个感性的认识,而后随着时间的推移,在接触英语单词的过程中,对音标的掌握会更全面和系统,但到那时候音标似乎就不是那么重要了.

Would you please teach me how to surf the interent? 急急急:how to teach English英文演讲稿 How to teach the International phonetic alphabet to the beignners?(怎样教授初学者国际音标) 。。。400分求《c++ how to program》4th英文电子版 for several months he ____(teach) how to be a good soldier.请问该用什么时态? Such an educational program can teach us how to make positive choices when __ with personal confl I`d appreciate __if ou would like to teach me how to use the computerA.that C.this 我现在需要一篇文章,名How to teach English will(怎样教好英语),有中文解释.跪求,紧急求求个位高手了! He joined the army when he was 18, and for seceral months he ___(teach)how to be a good soldier If you give me a fish, You feed me for the day If you teach me how to fish, you feed me for life.