
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 00:15:59


In the case that your party is unabale to deliver the products on time as per indicated within this contract, or not able to fulfill the quality standard requested as per agreed under this contract, which causes the rejection of the products or the appeal for compensation by our customers, your party has to be responsible for any damage caused, or to exchange for the qualified products.

注: 最后的那个damage不是破坏, 而是法律术语指损失.

经常看合同, 一般都是这样写的了.

The loss which caused by the products mentioned in the contract should be paid by you or be refunded for quality approved products when it comes to the conditions such as unpunctual delivery, unapproved quality, the clients' rejection of products and the claim for compensation.

The product of this contract,if you can not deliever the product in time or the quailty of the product is inconsistent to the one mentioned in contract,rejection of goods caused by our customers or inconsistent compensation,than you should